During a routine medical check in late November, it was discovered that Joker, our silver-phased, or melanistic, male red fox had a couple of lumps on his tongue. Working with our veterinarian, a biopsy was performed and sent to the Indiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (IADDL) at Purdue.
A few days ago, the results confirmed a diagnosis of extramedullary plasmacytoma. This type of tumor is common in dogs, but no reference can be found to foxes in recent literature. We are working closely with our veterinarian and Purdue Veterinary Oncology, and it was determined that along with some additional tests on the biopsy sample, a CT Scan would be helpful in evaluating the best course of action for Joker.
Currently, funding has been secured through Purdue University to help subsidize the cost of the diagnostics. However, Joker will be facing unknown costs in order to fight this disease. If you are able to support his care, please visit
We will continue to keep you informed about his condition.